
Miscellaneous – Theory & Practice in Surveying – 1

  1. The vertical opening into a mine is __________.
    1. cage
    2. reading
    3. drift
    4. shaft
  2. Profile levelling and differential levelling are alike in __________.
    1. purpose
    2. accuracy
    3. field Procedure
    4. principle
  3. In secondary control triangulation, the check on base is not to exceed __________.
    1. 1:10000
    2. 1:15000
    3. 1:20000
    4. 1:50000
  4. The constellation Cassiopeia is used as references to easing Polaris, the stars are formed like a letter __________.
    1. W
    2. X
    3. Y
    4. Z
  5. The base meridian to which all azimuth of lines of the project shall be referred is called __________.
    1. grid
    2. primary
    3. central
    4. geodetic
  6. In tertiary control of cadastral project, the instrument shall be oriented in a primary or secondary traverse lines of the project to the nearest __________.
    1. 1 second of arc
    2. 10 seconds of arc
    3. 20 seconds of arc
    4. 30 seconds of arc
  7. In delimitation of reservation, parks and other protected areas, the unsurveyed claims shall be sketched and reflected in the plan in __________.
    1. broken lines
    2. light full lines
    3. dotted lines
    4. heavy lines
  8. In differential levelling, the vertical distance from datum to the line of sight of the telescope is __________.
    1. height of instrument
    2. foresight reading
    3. backsight reading
    4. vertical rod reading
  9. The uniform size of cadastral map is __________.
    1. 55 x 60 cm.
    2. 45 x 45 cm.
    3. 54 x 54 cm.
    4. 64 x 64 cm.
  10. The vernier of engineers’ transit be set to 0°0’0″ reading with the use of __________.
    1. lower clamp tangent screw
    2. lower clamp screw
    3. upper clamp tangent screw
    4. lower clamp screw

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